
Fetish, Group Sex, Mature » She Squirts For Bi Guys

th 326135683 tduid300079 SheSquirtsForBiGuys 123 599lo She Squirts For Bi Guys
169 MB
Carl seduces John into more bi-action with the promise of a lady joining them who loves watching bi-guys do each other, because bi guys are the most fun in bed. Cassandra joins the fun making it a hot threesome. She gets so turned on that she squirts when she touches her clit with a vibrator.



Fetish, Group Sex » She Caught Me Doing Him

th 325901155 tduid300079 SheCaughtMeDoingHim 123 135lo She Caught Me Doing Him
160 MB
Carl sneaks away to “talk” to the construction worker while his secretary waits for him. But what he really wants is the construction worker’s cock in his hungry mouth! When Caramel walks in on the two, she decides to join the couple. With big, hard, throbbing cocks and a wet pussy…Carl enjoys the best of both worlds! It’s a bi-sexual free for all, and Carl milks it to the last drop!



Classic » Swedish Erotica 33 (1981)

th 277352548 tduid300079 SwedishErotica331981 123 508lo Swedish Erotica 33 (1981)
336 MB



Classic, Group Sex, Mature » Sex a porter (1995)

th 277164478 tduid300079 Sexaporter1995 123 103lo Sex a porter (1995)
261 MB



Classic » Sexorcists Devil-Undressed To Kill (1974)

th 276673168 tduid300079 SexorcistsDevil UndressedToKill1974 123 159lo Sexorcists Devil Undressed To Kill (1974)
158 MB

A Vegas prostitute possessed by Satan slaughters her pimp, roommate & others. Bloody knife murders with wet blowjobs. Excellent score and use of narration.



Classic » Rolls Royce 4 (1980)

th 276277864 tduid300079 RollsRoyce41980 123 30lo Rolls Royce 4 (1980)
128 MB



Fetish, Group Sex, Mature » Priest Does A Threeway

th 027597224 tduid300079 PriestDoesAThreeway 123 594lo Priest Does A Threeway
684 MB
Carl has been having a long-time gay affair with his Priest – that his wife didn’t know about until today! The undercover lovers suck each other off and Carl is topped bareback-style when the wife catches them red-handed! Instead of demanding a divorce, she joins in on the fun and turns the illicit affair into a bisexual three-some! Watch the Priest fuck Carl while Carl fucks his wife before Carl receives a creampie for a perfect ending to this bisexual suck and fuck-stravaganza!



Classic » Plein Les Miches Pour Pas Un Rond (1986)

th 183553571 tduid300079 PleinLesMichesPourPasUnRond1986 123 222lo Plein Les Miches Pour Pas Un Rond (1986)
392 MB
Cast : Vanessa Pasgrave; Jennifer Donder; Jack Duvier; Yves Rachemond



Classic » Phallus Story (1978)

th 018321127 tduid300079 PhallusStory1978 123 69lo Phallus Story (1978)th 018321317 tduid300079 PhallusStory1978 1 123 690lo Phallus Story (1978)
287 MB
Cathy Stewart is like a stray dog, sucking cocks here and there. Various sexual activities, mixed with various swindles in a nice castle, and believe it or not, a party at the end : this is good porn !



Classic » Possedute Dal Piacere (1983)

th 182978205 tduid300079 PosseduteDalPiacere1983 123 722lo Possedute Dal Piacere (1983)th 182979650 tduid300079 PosseduteDalPiacere1983 123 170lo Possedute Dal Piacere (1983)
303 MB
A middle-class husband tries to convince his wife to participate to his sexual fantasies and to realize his sexual dreams.



Classic » On My Ass (1989)

th 182127239 tduid300079 OnMyAss1989 123 28lo On My Ass (1989)
361 MB
Actresses: Deborah Wings Jaqueline Fame Actors: Spider Head Rick Shadow Larry Holmes



Classic » Oculus (1979)

th 181940890 tduid300079 Oculus1979 123 160lo Oculus (1979)
303 MB
A group of friends from Germany, France and Italy makes appointments for a mutual holiday trip to Istanbul. They decide to move in an exclusive luxury hotel with a turkish bath near the Bosporus. Mustafa, the sly waiter greets them and shows them eagerly to their rooms. The guest dont know yet about the cameras set up in every room, and the secret laboratory where Mustafa is brewing his special love potions. A few drops of these will turn a stone statue into a sexhungry maniac. So, after spicing up some selected guests dinner, Mustafa is enjoying his personal hot and steamy evening program on the hotels special channel…
