
Classic » Beverly Hills Cox (1986)

th 760543199 tduid300079 BeverlyHillsCox 123 383lo Beverly Hills Cox (1986)
672 MB
The heat is on when sultry detective Suzy Cox (Ginger Lynn) indulges in some undercover activity in Beverly Hill’s Cox. On the trail of ‘The boner Bandit’ this sexy sleuth sniffers out the cocky culprit in an avalanche of sexual activity that proves she always gets her man!



Classic » Between Lovers (1983)

th 760098851 tduid300079 Between Lovers 123 70lo  Between Lovers (1983)
700 MB
Most of the time therefore, porn spinoffs or parodies fail to measure up to their mainstream counterparts. There are exceptions though. Henri Pachard’s magnificent “Between Lovers” is an example of one that worked, indeed worked so well as to actually surpass the mainstream original.



Mature » Between The Sheets (1982)

th 447595658 tduid300079 BetweenTheSheets 123 204lo Between The Sheets (1982)
750 MB
Travel back in history to the American Revolution, where the British are coming (in more ways than one); to the civil war, as a Yankee soldier finds himself a little “Southern Comfort” and to the swinging fifties, where a fast-talking greaser has a sure-fire plan to get his girl to go all the way.



Classic » A Place Beyond Shame (1981)

th 761975325 tduid300079 Beyond Shame 123 125lo A Place Beyond Shame (1981)
982 MB



Classic » The Big Bang (1987)

th 762909923 tduid300079 Big Bang 4 123 900lo The Big Bang (1987)
901 MB



Classic » The Bigger The Better (1986)

th 763975348 tduid300079 BiggerTheBetter 123 108lo The Bigger The Better (1986)th 763979831 tduid300079 BiggerTheBetter 1 123 506lo The Bigger The Better (1986)
587 MB
Who says size isn`t important? Certainly not the men who lust over women with big breasts! Certainly not the women whose mouths water over men with elephantine endowments! Convinced that bigger is better, they proceed to prove it by using their physical dimensions to best advantage. Bigger The Better movie Here`s a busty, c*cky videobook of records in explicit and detailed action that will have you panting with excitement.



Classic » Best of Patti Petite

th 758199312 tduid300079 Best of Patti Petite 123 202lo  Best of Patti Petite
700 MB
One of the most rough and ready of all the 80s porno strumpets, Patti Petite blazed her way through the hardcore ranks with a string of fiery performances in the middle of the decade. A thin and rangy woman, Patti was a tenacious sexual athlete who always brought tons of full-throttle energy to her on-screen sexing.



Classic » Best of Christy Canyon

th 757783281 tduid300079 BestofChristyCanyon 123 254lo Best of Christy Canyonth 757788394 tduid300079 BestofChristyCanyon 1 123 560lo Best of Christy Canyon
378 MB



Classic » Best of Erica Boyer

th 757332966 tduid300079 Best of Erica Boyer 1 1 123 388lo Best of Erica Boyer
827 MB
She’s cute, she’s cuddly, and given the nick-name ‘Super Vixen’ Erica Boyer is one of America’s favorite sexual fireballs. Born in the deep South to extremely strict parents, sex was strictly forbidden. In this steaming hot video you’ll witness the sexual outburst of the buxom Boyer taking on a bevy of dudes and dudettes in her never-ending search for sexual abandon.



Classic » Best Of Erica Boyer 2

th 756972468 tduid300079 Best of Erica Boyer 2 1 123 236lo Best Of Erica Boyer 2
838 MB
A full-breasted blonde bombshell with one of the most mouthwatering bods in the business, Erica Boyer was without a doubt one of the most popular and alluring starlets of the 80s porno scene.



Classic » The Ribald Tales Of Canterbury

th 718325216 tduid300079 TheRibaldTalesOfCanterbury1985 123 1lo The Ribald Tales Of Canterbury
1.22 GB
In Days of Old When Knights Were Bold, and Lusty Ladies Were Bawdy… You’ll Find This Tale of Canterbury is Definitely Very Naughty!



Classic » Dinner With Samantha

th 273350909 tduid300079 DinnerWithSamantha1983 123 135lo Dinner With Samantha
651 MB
Dinner with Samantha” starring Samantha Fox, is more than a simple meal. It is an epicurean delight. Samantha’s co-star, Bobby Astyr, plays her ever loving husband. Not only is he after her soft and sensuous body; but he is also after her immense amount of money. Samantha is the object of everyone’s intentions. This erotic adventure takes you through an array of events that leads to an unusual twist with an unexpected ending.
