
Classic, Hairy » Deep Passage (1978)

th 083234675 tduid300079 DeepPassage1978 123 347lo Deep Passage (1978)
415 MB
Performers: Cindy Barr, Kay Russell, Dorothy LeMay, Sharon Kane,
Bill Wilson, Hans Van Dyke, Earl Robbins, Bob Johnson, Jesse Adams,



Classic » Deep Inside Ginger Lynn

th 644659682 tduid300079 DeepInsideGingerLynn2 123 12lo Deep Inside Ginger Lynnth 644661795 tduid300079 DeepInsideGingerLynn2 1 123 10lo Deep Inside Ginger Lynn
362 MB
Ginger Lynn was born December 14, 1962 in Radford, Illinois.
Ginger was the most popular porn star of the 1980s and the queen of the
video era of adult entertainment. She’s 5’3″ with the best ass of all time.



Classic » Debbie does Dallas 2 – Bambi Woods 1981

th 291380672 tduid300079 DebbieDoesDallas2 123 1129lo Debbie does Dallas 2   Bambi Woods 1981
308 MB
A sequel to the original hit film Debbie Does Dallas, filmed in 1979



Classic » Daddy Doesn’t Know

th 288244533 tduid300079 DaddyDoesntKnow 123 149lo  Daddy Doesnt Knowth 288246151 tduid300079 DaddyDoesntKnow 1 123 47lo  Daddy Doesnt Know
1058 MB
Performers: Karen Summer, Cara Lott, Woody Long, Marc Wallice, Lynn Ray, Shone Taylor,
David Sanders, Lei Petite



Hairy » Pelose A Volonta

th 306273184 tduid300079 PeloseAVolonta 123 587lo Pelose A Volontath 306277597 tduid300079 PeloseAVolonta 1 123 188lo Pelose A Volonta
1.28 GB
Mmmm….hairy crotch all day any way you want it! These pretty foreign chicks are all play and unshaved for your pleasure. Cum and watch their pretty faces as they inhale long fat cocks before getting their pussies stuffed and pounded with man meat. So cum get a taste of a steamy hot fur pie! It’s delicious.



Hairy, Pregnant » Test Di Gravidanza

th 675381378 tduid300079 TestDiGravidanza CentoXCento 123 372lo Test Di Gravidanzath 675383875 tduid300079 TestDiGravidanza CentoXCento 1 123 356lo Test Di Gravidanza
952 MB



Hairy » Kleine haarige Saue 7

th 953788559 tduid300079 KleinehaarigeSue7 Deutsch 123 336lo Kleine haarige Saue 7th 953790765 tduid300079 KleinehaarigeSue7 Deutsch 1 123 47lo Kleine haarige Saue 7
785 MB
Hosen runter Schamlos offnet Tate ihren Ledermantel auf der Dachterrasse. Was sehen da meine Augen? Ein dicker wollustig geiler Busch zwischen den Beinen, ihren Schlupfer hatte sie bereits auf den Knien. Welch ein versautes Luder, was sie mir auch beweisen wollte. Felice treffe ich am Bootsanleger. Sie hat einen Blick, der Eier zum Kochen bringt und eine behaarte Mose, die Schwanzkaliber XXL verschlucken kann. Skylar uberrasche ich beim Shoppen. Sie tut schuchtern, die kleine Sau, dabei hat dieses Sexmonster einen barigen Sexwolf zwischen den Beinen, der nur darauf wartet, hart gefickt zu werden. Die niedliche Lynn und die hei?e Gina lassen sich scheinbar gar nicht bandigen, sie sind eben echte kleine haarige Saue. Viel Spa?, Euer Rodney…



Hairy » ATK Hairy Pacific Northwest Girls

th 048294741 tduid300079 ATKHairyPacificNorthwestGirls 123 106lo ATK Hairy Pacific Northwest Girlsth 048296806 tduid300079 ATKHairyPacificNorthwestGirls 1 123 406lo ATK Hairy Pacific Northwest Girls
1.36 GB
One thing about the Pacific Northwest is they grow them sexy and hairy. You need as much coverage as you can get for those cold winters. We have looked through all of our girls making sure they were born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and put the hottest ones together for your enjoyment. Not only do we have Simone in one of her hottest solo scenes but we have Scarlett in an honest interview before she starts her solo. So, sit back and let these ladies show you how it is done in the Northwest.



Hairy » Haarige Naturfotzen

th 198202597 tduid300079 PrivateLustschweineHaarigeNaturfotzen 123 138lo Haarige Naturfotzenth 198203716 tduid300079 PrivateLustschweineHaarigeNaturfotzen 1 123 621lo Haarige Naturfotzen
698 MB
Girls and their natural hairy pussies give you a total kick. Pretty bushy pubic hairs, round wet pussies make all men go absolutely wild.



Hairy, Teens » Little Teen Titties With Tight Hairy Pussies

th 176810865 tduid300079 LittleTeenTittiesWithTightHairyPussies 123 228lo Little Teen Titties With Tight Hairy Pussiesth 417681243 tduid300079 LittleTeenTittiesWithTightHairyPussies 1 123 189lo Little Teen Titties With Tight Hairy Pussies
1.51 GB
Tight bodied, pretty nubile girls with unshaven pussies! They are oh-so cute and will shock you with their sexual hunger!



Mature » Tra Moglie e Marito

th 792768328 tduid300079 TraMoglieeMarito CentoxCento 123 658lo Tra Moglie e Maritoth 792770392 tduid300079 TraMoglieeMarito CentoxCento 1 123 501lo Tra Moglie e Marito
0.98 GB



Mature » La Ce Una Strada Nel Bosco

th 250413593 tduid300079 LaCeUnaStradaNelBosco CentoXCento 123 497lo La Ce Una Strada Nel Boscoth 504138766 tduid300079 LaCeUnaStradaNelBosco CentoXCento 1 123 535lo La Ce Una Strada Nel Bosco
1.07 GB
